Dettagli libro:

Tarzan and the city of gold
Autore: Edgar Rice Burroughs Editore: Nel
Codice ISBN: n.d. Categoria: Rari
In vendita a: Catania Pubblicato nel: 1967
Prezzo di vendita: 5.00 € Prezzo di copertina:  €
Tipo di pagamento: Pagamento diretto, Postepay,
Volume: 16 Numero
Quantità: 1 Stato
del libro:
Note: Note: Edizione in lingua inglese del 1967, il 16° romanzo della serie di Tarzan. Tarzan and the city of gold By Edgar Rice Burroughs Cover of: Tarzan and the city of gold by Edgar Rice Burroughs Manage Covers About the Book Tarzan moved forward, stealthily, silently, his eyes on the quarry ahead. But behind him was an even greater danger. A marauding band of shiftas, armed with long barrelled rifles and spears and mounted on half tamed ponies. Suddenly Tarzan sensed their presence and turned to face them. Armed only with a hunting bow and spear and his dreaded knife he crouched ready to fight for his life. The shiftas saw him turn. Spurring their mounts into a gallop the eight horseman charged at breakneck speed towards the Lord of the Jungle intent on riding him down. Tarzan took the first of his four arrows and fitted it to his bow...
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Data ultima modifica: 17/02/2012 15:44


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